Sunday, March 1, 2015

Building Mansions In My Mind

Everything they ever said,
Everything they ever did,
Every lie they ever told,
Every promise they ever broke,
Was never going to make me give up.

They told me i was wrong
They told me i couldn't do it
They told me i wasn't smart enough
They told me to give up
They told me i couldn't do it.
Well they were wrong,
They wasted their time.
I'm building mansions in my mind.

This is the past
This is the future
This is the survivors guide on how to build an empire
This is intergalactic space
This is the holocaust
This is pain, regret, anxiety, unrealistic desires, and all of the above
This is love, respect, hope, and the fragments of a dream

I've built castles the size of Colosseum's
30,000 feet up i swear you gotta see them
I built a spaceship to reach my goals
I went straight to the moon, went to mars, went to venus

I'm not a game peace.
I'm the City that i built out of the fire they created within me.
I'm building castles in the sky.
I'm building mansions in my mind.


  1. "So let this be our prayer,"

    Oh, yes.

  2. That Miley Cyrus and Braveheart part. I like how this is about living up to our potential

  3. Great prayer. Inspiring.

    "This is the holocaust."
